1. Two Exercises For Bigger Rear Delts

    AvatarBy leigh_stainer il 28 Jan. 2020
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    Rear delts are amongst the most undertrained body-parts for gym-goers. Generally the reason for this is that you can't really see the unbalance when you're flexing your biceps in the mirror or checking out the striations in your chest. If you do happen to turn to your side, however, the absence of rear delts can become quite noticeable.

    Along with being a great show muscle that ties the upper back with the shoulders, strong rear-delts also have the benefit of keeping your shoulders safer in movements like the dumbbell shoulder press, standing military press and even incline bench press.

    Try adding these exercises at least once a week, typically to the end of your current shoulder training, to add strength and size to your rear delts. See more at sustanoncycle.top for latest muscle building tips and trick.

    Face Pulls

    Face pulls are performed on a high pulley with a rope attachment and consist of pulling the rope to your forehead, making sure that your elbows come back past your head so your hands end up next to your cheekbones.

    When performing Face Pulls you'll want to make sure you're squeezing your rear-delts and traps. Literally pause and flex these muscles at the top of every rep before lowering the rope back to the starting position. Doing so will ensure that you're getting the proper contraction in your rear delt and trap.

    Reverse Pec Deck

    This can be an awesome exercise for your rear delts as it keeps your arms moving in the correct line with the least amount of thought.

    Start by adjusting the grips on the pec deck so that when you sit on it in a reversed fashion (Face facing the seat) you'll be able to hold the grips with your arms extended in front of you.

    Sit on the seat with your face facing the seat, grip the bars at shoulder height and then move your arms backwards so that your movement resembles a reverse pec deck movement.

    It's important to try and keep your chest up high in this exercise as people generally tend to roll their shoulders forwards to distribute the weight throughout their back. This isn't our goal. Try to keep a slight bend in your arms so that it almost looks like you're hugging the air then drive your arms backwards using your rear delts.

    Pause at the top of the movement, flex and then lower the weight for best results.

    Try to add each of these exercises to the end of your current shoulder training day. I suggest you do at least 4 sets of 12 reps on each, keeping rest between sets to a maximum of 90 seconds.