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  1. Posted 17/12/2019, 12:17


    I’m not sure how or when this amazing exercise became the go-to ab workout, but I am a testament to the fact that it works! I’ve never liked doing crunches, or any ab workout for that matter, but I have to admit since I’ve joined the “plank a day” movement, I’ve seen a major difference. A “plank” is just what it sounds like- holding your body as straight as a board while leaning on your elbows or hands. This body weight exercise is an amazing fitness tool for many reasons as recommended by personal fitness trainer, athletes and bodybulider.

    Understanding the science behind the plank may be enough to convince you how effective it can be. The reason the plank works so well is because it targets the transverse abdomens, your innermost abdominal muscles. Doing this move strengthens these muscles which act as a natural girdle to stabilize your core and pull you in. Doing a plank forces you to use isometric contractions that really strengthen and tone those muscles in your innermost abs.

    The plank is a great exercise because there are a ton of different variations that all work to target the entire midsection of your body. Modifications to your regular front plank can help you workout different abdominal muscles to tighten that inner girdle and pull your stomach tight. The keys to a successful plank workout rely on your technique, the duration you hold plank for and the frequency of your fitness training.

    A simple front plank position requires you to lie face down on the floor with your feet together, then move to your elbows with forearms on the floor positioning your arms under your shoulder. Support your upper body in this position and keep your shoulders, back, hips and butt all in line like a plank. Hold the position for as long as possible to work your abdominal muscles.

    Plank variations are endless and can be tailored to your fitness level and personal goals. You can do side planks by lying on one side with your elbow and legs on the ground and lifting your hips up to maintain a straight line with your body. You can also do variations that require you to lift one arm or leg at a time, usually performed by more experienced plankers. Continue to workout your abdominals by using planks and increasing the duration and frequency at which you do them to improve your fitness and really work out your abs.

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