1. Why Should You Intake Plenty of Water Daily

    AvatarBy leigh_stainer il 23 April 2020
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    Water is a great blessing of God and it is indispensable for survival for any living organisms whether plants or animals. Although the tradition of drinking eight glass of water daily has no scientific proof yet there are many reasons why one should drink plenty of water daily. As a matter of fact consuming enough water in the form of natural, flavored or any other liquid is absolutely necessary for perpetuating good health.

    Water is imperative for circulating nutrients and minerals throughout the body and can be taken as a nutrient itself. A large amount of water is transpired out of human body everyday and also takes away nutrients that are integral for human body. Adequate consumption of water keeps the body hydrated and continuously replaces the lost fluids to keep health in proper order. Some of the main reasons for drinking plenty of water each day have been elaborated in the following lines.

    Maintains the Balance of Body Fluids

    Most of the people will be surprised to learn that water in different shapes constitutes about 60% of total body weight. These fluids are essential for performing multiple roles as they help in digestion, absorption, circulation of blood, transportation of various nutrients and creation of saliva. When someone is short in fluids, the brain accelerates the thirst phenomenon and you need to lend an ear to these signals and drink anything but alcohol as it can result in dehydration.

    Drinking Water helps in Reducing Weight

    Water should be an integral part of any natural HGH growth hormone therapy as different fluids like coconut water greatly helps in enhancing natural reproduction of growth hormones. Furthermore, high sugar and fats drinks can be replaced with natural water and as a result you will take fewer calories and will be able to reduce your weight. Furthermore, taking two to three cups of water before meals will fill you up and you will naturally eat less.

    Water makes Muscles Energetic

    Lack of fluids and electrolytes can make muscles to shrivel that subsequently results in muscle fatigue and deterioration in performance of muscles. It is recommended to intake 17 ounces of fluid in any shape like fluid fruits and vegetables some two hours before doing any physical exercise. Similarly in case of lean muscles drinking plenty of water will help alongside testosterone replacement treatment and therapy.

    Water Aids Kidneys...

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    Last Post by leigh_stainer il 23 April 2020
  2. Two Exercises For Bigger Rear Delts

    AvatarBy leigh_stainer il 28 Jan. 2020
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    Rear delts are amongst the most undertrained body-parts for gym-goers. Generally the reason for this is that you can't really see the unbalance when you're flexing your biceps in the mirror or checking out the striations in your chest. If you do happen to turn to your side, however, the absence of rear delts can become quite noticeable.

    Along with being a great show muscle that ties the upper back with the shoulders, strong rear-delts also have the benefit of keeping your shoulders safer in movements like the dumbbell shoulder press, standing military press and even incline bench press.

    Try adding these exercises at least once a week, typically to the end of your current shoulder training, to add strength and size to your rear delts. See more at sustanoncycle.top for latest muscle building tips and trick.

    Face Pulls

    Face pulls are performed on a high pulley with a rope attachment and consist of pulling the rope to your forehead, making sure that your elbows come back past your head so your hands end up next to your cheekbones.

    When performing Face Pulls you'll want to make sure you're squeezing your rear-delts and traps. Literally pause and flex these muscles at the top of every rep before lowering the rope back to the starting position. Doing so will ensure that you're getting the proper contraction in your rear delt and trap.

    Reverse Pec Deck

    This can be an awesome exercise for your rear delts as it keeps your arms moving in the correct line with the least amount of thought.

    Start by adjusting the grips on the pec deck so that when you sit on it in a reversed fashion (Face facing the seat) you'll be able to hold the grips with your arms extended in front of you.

    Sit on the seat with your face facing the seat, grip the bars at shoulder height and then move your arms backwards so that your movement resembles a reverse pec deck movement.

    It's important to try and keep your chest up high in this exercise as people generally tend to roll their shoulders forwards to distribute the weight throughout their back. This isn't our goal. Try to keep a slight bend in your arms so that it almost looks like you're hugging the air then drive your arms backwards using your rear delts.

    Pause at the top of the movement, flex and then lower the weight for best results.

    Try to add each of these exercises to the end of your current shoulder training day. I suggest you do at least 4 sets of 12 reps on each, keeping rest between sets to a maximum of 90 seconds.
    Last Post by leigh_stainer il 28 Jan. 2020
  3. Using Fitness to Maintain Weight Loss

    AvatarBy leigh_stainer il 4 Jan. 2020
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    Achieving weight loss is a major accomplishment. One issue is that many people stop practicing their new healthy habits as soon as they lose the weight. Unfortunately when this happens people tend to gain the weight back. Depending on how you lost the weight you may even gain back more weight. That is because if you did not maintain muscle mass while losing weight your metabolism is lower than someone who maintained or gained lean muscle mass.

    The best way to maintain muscle mass while losing weight fast is to do some strength training. If you have already reached your goal weight then you need to start strength training now. See free your wild website for the complete guides. You do not have to spend hours and hours every week in the gym to build strength. Doing a twenty minute total body workout with weights just three times per week can lead to the results you need.

    Fitness can help you maintain your weight because it burns calories. Once you have reached your goal weight you no longer have to restrict your calories as much as you needed when you were losing weight, but you still cannot eat excess calories each day. Fitness and exercise help you burn off calories so that you do not have a daily excess. You will also have more muscle so that you will burn more calories even when you are resting.

    Fitness can make you less likely to slip and abandon your healthy new habits. Daily exercise will remind you of how far you have come and how far you can go. You will feel stronger and more capable and it will be a constant reminder of the new person that you have become. It is hard to binge eat when you know that you will be running a marathon in a couple of months.

    Many people who keep the weight off do it because they become employed in the fitness industry. You may not want to quit your job to become a personal trainer, but you could still teach a group exercise class or do personal training as a part time job. Committing yourself to helping others reach their goal even a couple hours a week could be exactly what you need to maintain your weight loss.

    You might be able to keep fit and help your community. If you do not want to teach for money you could volunteer to teach fitness at a women’s shelter or nursing home. Or, you can just get your friends involved with fitness and help them reach their goals. Watching your friends reach their goals will help you keep up your healthy lifestyle. It will be a constant reminder of how hard you worked to get where you are. That reminder will keep you from ever going back and having to do it all over again.

    Fitness is a great way to maintain weight loss. It can use up extra calories that might end up causing you to gain weight. It can also ...

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    Last Post by leigh_stainer il 4 Jan. 2020
  4. The Keys to the Plank Exercise

    AvatarBy leigh_stainer il 17 Dec. 2019
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    I’m not sure how or when this amazing exercise became the go-to ab workout, but I am a testament to the fact that it works! I’ve never liked doing crunches, or any ab workout for that matter, but I have to admit since I’ve joined the “plank a day” movement, I’ve seen a major difference. A “plank” is just what it sounds like- holding your body as straight as a board while leaning on your elbows or hands. This body weight exercise is an amazing fitness tool for many reasons as recommended by personal fitness trainer, athletes and bodybulider.

    Understanding the science behind the plank may be enough to convince you how effective it can be. The reason the plank works so well is because it targets the transverse abdomens, your innermost abdominal muscles. Doing this move strengthens these muscles which act as a natural girdle to stabilize your core and pull you in. Doing a plank forces you to use isometric contractions that really strengthen and tone those muscles in your innermost abs.

    The plank is a great exercise because there are a ton of different variations that all work to target the entire midsection of your body. Modifications to your regular front plank can help you workout different abdominal muscles to tighten that inner girdle and pull your stomach tight. The keys to a successful plank workout rely on your technique, the duration you hold plank for and the frequency of your fitness training.

    A simple front plank position requires you to lie face down on the floor with your feet together, then move to your elbows with forearms on the floor positioning your arms under your shoulder. Support your upper body in this position and keep your shoulders, back, hips and butt all in line like a plank. Hold the position for as long as possible to work your abdominal muscles.

    Plank variations are endless and can be tailored to your fitness level and personal goals. You can do side planks by lying on one side with your elbow and legs on the ground and lifting your hips up to maintain a straight line with your body. You can also do variations that require you to lift one arm or leg at a time, usually performed by more experienced plankers. Continue to workout your abdominals by using planks and increasing the duration and frequency at which you do them to improve your fitness and really work out your abs.
    Last Post by leigh_stainer il 17 Dec. 2019
  5. Full Body Workouts Versus Muscle Group Splits

    AvatarBy leigh_stainer il 16 Oct. 2019
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    One of the questions you will find most commonly asked over the Internet when it comes to resistance training is which method is more effective, full body workouts or single muscle group splits, or should you train each muscle group more than once per week? You will find many debates over the answer, especially across many muscle building and fitness forums. To be perfectly honest, there is no perfect answer to the question, likewise no perfect training routine exists, perhaps only for the individual. The meaning behind this is someone may train each muscle group once for a week for several years, then change the frequency to more than once a week and suddenly find they achieve much greater and quicker gains. Somebody else might choose to adopt the same approach, eat the same nutrition, get the same rest, only to find the routine less effective. It is therefore down to the individual to try both types of routine and decide which one works best for them.

    It can be very confusing choosing a workout, especially if training for the first time. If you were to browse many of the forums, the general consensus seems to sway towards full body workouts or training each muscle group more than once per week. However, if you follow the routines performed by professional bodybuilders and so called cover model workouts you will notice they sway towards single muscle group splits. Many personal trainers often advise full body workouts, especially for beginners.

    This is because full body workouts enable you to concentrate on the heavy compound lifts, which utilise more muscle groups when performing, compared to isolation exercises often performed in single muscle group splits. This also enables you to lift heavier, and combining an exercise which enables you to lift as heavy as possible, perform more than once a week (which is also ideal for perfecting technique), and utilises more than one muscle group at a time, is going to be very effective when it comes to size and strength gains. This is especially true when training for the first time, and is a method often used by power and strength trainers because it allows them to lift as heavy as possible.

    The above few sentences sound like full body workouts already hold an advantage over single muscle group splits, however this does not mean you should disregard the latter too quickly. Below we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of full body workouts versus single muscle group splits, after which it is up to you to try for yourself and decide which one produces the greater gains.

    Advantages of Full Body Workouts

    • More compound moves used per workout - As previously mentioned full body workouts allow you to focus on heavy compound lifts. This means you train several muscle groups at once leading...

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    Last Post by leigh_stainer il 16 Oct. 2019
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